One Color – Five Senses

“Pick a color – use the 5 senses to explore and inhabit it.”

When I hear red, I feel like I’d be listening to myself.
It talks about how misunderstood it is by most people, and I understand every word it says.
Most often what red says could have been something I had said myself.

When I smell red, I feel like walking into my bathroom after taking a shower a bit ago.
It smells like an intense shower gel, but not the kind you can’t stand.
A very good smell combined with a bit too much used air.

When I see red, I feel understood.
Most people think it’s a dangerous color, but I can’t see any danger.
Maybe a little anger, but no danger at all.
On the contrary, it’s a shy little thing that needs a lot of strength to overcome the anxiety of showing up.
But it looks happy and even a little bit relieved that it accomplished it.

When I touch red, I feel warm inside.
Touching red is characterized by warmth, it’s almost hot.
I was wondering how long I can touch it without feeling pain or even burn myself,
but then I realized it’s not dangerous at all.
It seems like red doesn’t like to get touched though.

When I taste red, I feel like making a mistake.
It doesn’t feel right to taste this little anxious thing.
So I decided to stop and just enjoy its company.

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