Take a Look at the Sky

Looking at the sky
always gives me hope –

The sky is endless,
and on some days
I feel like I can look
into the universe
and everything
feels so huge,
yet I feel so small,
so insignificant

And that it gives me even more hope –
because in the end
everyone’s existence is
something special and unique,
but we don’t have to do anything
special and unique to be exactly that –

That’s what the sky reminds me of
on so many days,
and it gives me hope –
because I don’t feel like
I have to achieve anything
or do anything special and unique
to be worth it

I’m always worth it.

So take a look at the sky,
especially when you feel like
everything is crashing down on you,
let the sky be your encouragement
to face this life with pride
on every single day,
no matter what you do
or if you’re doing anything

You don’t have to do anything to be special and unique.
You’re always special and unique, and always worth it.
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