“I feel like all my life I’ve tried to find the answers.”
Breathe, from In The Heights
There’s no quote that fits better when it’s about my thoughts in the last time. My whole life was an emotional rollercoaster. Tons of questions in my head, no answers. The question marks only grew, and so did my desperation.
Why am I here?
I don’t mean here as the city I’m currently living in or the place I am in the moment I’m asking myself this question. When I’m asking myself why I’m here, I’m talking about life in general – the meaning behind my existence, and what I’m supposed to do in my life. One of my favorite authors inspired me to ask myself this question. The café book series by John Strelecky changed a lot for me. Not only did I start asking myself questions like “Why am I here?” and changed the meaning behind it, I also got every inspired by John’s thoughts and wanted to make a huge change in my life.
I may not be where I’m supposed to be yet, but I’m on my way, and that’s enough for the moment.
I think that every person arrives at a point where they ask themselves why their life is the way it is. Why they are here. But I also think most people don’t read between the lines of this question. In the end I believe that all of us will find their ways. There is something waiting for everyone, we just have to start asking ourselves why we are here and figure out how we can get to the point on which we can say “I’m genuinely living my life.”
It may take some time, but I genuinely believe in that.
Asking myself “Why am I here?” made me realize what’s really important in life. It’s not about the city I live in, the places I spend some time, or even what I’m going to do next. Of course that’s a part of life, but definitely not everything. It took me a lot of time to be able to think this way, yet I’m the happiest I’ve ever been after discovering the meaning behind my existence, even if life isn’t easy at all and never will be. Because in the end I know that life is always worth it – because I know why I am here.